Portfolio > Mandalas

These are inspired primarily by nature, of course. Many were painted throughout my tenure as a f/t Licensed Creative Art Therapist, consistently re-balancing rigid time strictures with spontaneity of clients' emotional needs.

Lately I have been going through Mandalas that were only partially painted to try to complete them. I do this because art-making is always a compulsion but, especially now, I am trying to counteract the darkness of our wider world. This darkness includes my awareness of man-made climate crises, and the chronic pandemic of injustice. So the act of creating is my way of coping, my release and reaction to past and present - spontaneous, unplanned. One of my forms of protest. Lots of layering, of colors and techniques (brushing, sponging, splattering). The circle form helps to calm and focus; my self-imposed strictures and structures help further these.

The materials are mainly watercolor and antique Pelikan metallic gouaches (water-soluble). I'm also using some Sennelier inks, mostly metallic (not water soluble) and my own mix of iridescent watercolor using a Holbein medium. Collaged elements are from varied sources.

"Being on the lotus, one is living in a floating world and always needing to rebalance oneself." (Betty Winkler)

Mandala: Summer 16
Watercolor and Colored Pencil
9" x 9"
Mandala:Autumn 6
Watercolor, Metallic Ink
9 x 9
Autumn 10
10.75" diameter
abstract lotus mandala watercolor
Watercolor on Rives BFK
9' x 9"
Mandala: Spring 4
Watercolor & Button
9" diameter
political art, anti-trump, disgusted
Watercolor & Ink
8.25" diameter
political art, anti-trump, disgusted
Watercolor & Ink
8.25" diameter
political art, origami, lotus,
Watercolor and Origami
9" x 9" x 1.5"
Mandala: Red Lotus from the Black Mire (5)
Watercolor and Origami with Beads
8" diameter
Mandala: Earth 1
Oil Pastel on Paper Board
9" x 9"
Mandala Earth 2
Watercolor, Metallic Ink
9" diameter
Mandala: Fire 2
Watercolor & Burn Painting
9" diameter
Mandala: Fire 3
Watercolor & Burn Painting
9" diameter
Mandala Fire 4
9" diameter
Mandala Water 1
Watercolor, Metallic Ink
9" diameter
Mandala Water 2
9" diameter
Mandala: Summer 15
Watercolor & Button
9" x 9"
Mandala: Summer 14
Watercolor & Beads
9" diameter
 lotus watercolor mandala drawing colored pencil
Watercolor and Drawing on St Armand Paper
18' x 18"
abstract lotus mandala watercolor drawing colored pencil
Watercolor and Drawing on St Armand Paper
18 x 18
Mandala: Cosmos 3
Oil Pastel on Paper Board
9" x 9"
abstract lotus mandala watercolor
Watercolor & Metallic Ink on Rives BFK
8.5" diameter
Mandala Autumn 1
Watercolor and metallic Gouache on Rives BFK w/ button (Bakelite?)
9" x 9"
abstract lotus mandala watercolor
Watercolor on Rives BFK
9" x 9"
abstract lotus mandala watercolor
Watercolor and metallic Gouache on Rives BFK
9' x 9"
abstract lotus mandala watercolor
Watercolor on Rives BFK
9' x 9"
political art, origami, lotus,
Watercolor and Origami
8.25" x 1.5" (diameter x height)
abstract lotus mandala watercolor
Watercolor and metallic Gouache on Rives BFK
9" x 9"
abstract lotus mandala watercolor
Watercolor on Rives BFK
9" x 9"
abstract lotus mandala watercolor
Watercolor and metallic Gouache on Rives BFK
9" x 9"
Mandala: Whirlwind 2
11" diameter (widest point)
abstract lotus mandala watercolor
Watercolor and metallic Gouache on Rives BFK
9" x 9"
abstract lotus mandala watercolor
Watercolor on Rives BFK
9" x 9"
abstract lotus mandala watercolor
Watercolor on Rives BFK
9' x 9"
abstract lotus mandala watercolor
Watercolor on Rives BFK
9" x 9"
abstract lotus mandala watercolor
Watercolor on Rives BFK
9" x 9"
abstract lotus mandala watercolor
Watercolor on Rives BFK w/ Shell
9' x 9"
abstract lotus mandala watercolor
Watercolor and metallic Gouache on Rives BFK w/ Cat's Eye Shell
9' x 9"
abstract lotus mandala watercolor
Watercolor and metallic Gouache on Rives BFK
9" x 9"
abstract lotus mandala watercolor
Watercolor and metallic Gouache on Rives BFK
9' x 9"
abstract lotus mandala watercolor
Watercolor on Rives BFK
9' x 9"
abstract lotus mandala watercolor
Watercolor on Rives BFK
9' x 9"
abstract lotus mandala watercolor
Watercolor on Rives BFK
9' x 9"
abstract lotus mandala watercolor
Watercolor on Rives BFK
9' x 9"
abstract lotus mandala watercolor
Watercolor on Rives BFK
9' x 9"
abstract lotus mandala watercolor
Watercolor and metallic Gouache on Rives BFK
9' x 9"
abstract lotus mandala watercolor
Watercolor and metallic Gouache on Rives BFK
9' x 9"
abstract lotus mandala watercolor
Watercolor on Rives BFK
9" x 9"
abstract lotus mandala watercolor
Watercolor and metallic Gouache on Rives BFK
9' x 9"
Mandala Card with text by the Dalai Lama
5" x 5" (folded); 5" x 10" (open)
Mandala Card: Black Mire (5)
5" x 5" (folded); 5" x 10" (open)